+91 09150427745
indo trust
indo trust

Vision & Mission


Sustainable development, empowering and equal access to vulnerable communities.


For attaining sustainable development, INDO Trust empower and mainstream the vulnerable communities for their livelihood through education, skill trainings, enlightening right based awareness creation, environment awareness , benefits and opportunities available, resource engagement with community involvement and social participation in working areas


Social Justice and Equity: We will work to promote equality, dignity and more just society, especially with regard to the poor and marginalized.

Respect: We honor our beneficiary with human dignity, respect, socially, financially and environmentally responsible.

Integrity: Carry out all our work with the greatest responsibility, transparency and accountability in all endeavors.

Service: We will work for the needy, regardless of race, gender, age, creed, and colour.

Teamwork and Excellence: We deliver effective teamwork and co-operation in all our professional services. We strive to attain the highest standards in all that we do.

Self – Sustainability: We strive and work towards sustainable development outcomes.

One Liner

Addressing the root causes of injustice and inequality in society and providing sustainable solutions to the underprivileged to have a secured future and promote a sustainable environment.


  • To assist in developing the target community of those affected by poverty, oppressions or gender, in social, development of the economical status, legal, human rights, health, medical, educational, environmental, access to resources, natural resources development, panchayat raj and other filed of work directed at people in need and to empower them.
  • To run rural health Centre, hospitals, health education centers or institutions for the reception and treatment of persons who suffering from illness and create awareness among the people about social evils, STD, HIV/AIDS and also give the support and care for PLHA.
  • To support the Bonded labour Abolition System Act and Rehabilitation for the Released Bonded Labour through Income Generation Programme
  • To prevent the exploitation of children and to enforce the rights of children and also to work towards abolition of child labour.
  • To run the non-formal education centres or other supplementary education institutions for the downtrodden people of INDIA
  • To manage and make better use of natural resources and to protect and improve the environment towards the development of Sustainable Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Wild Animals, Birds, Land and Water Management, Animal Husbandry, Local Resources, Herbal Plantation etc.,
  • To help women in all possible ways in order to make them Self-Reliant and Self Supportive
  • To improve the quality of life in general, ensure proper access to basic amenities and house hold commodities, promote cultural and recreational activities
  • To achieve Millennium Development Goals


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